Course Overview
The Culturally Responsive Practice with Older People in Health and Aged Care course is designed to complement the skills and capabilities of clinicians and health practitioners working in aged care and health care settings with the knowledge to provide culturally responsive care to older people from migrant and refugee backgrounds. The course is suitable for all clinicians and health practitioners. The material in this course is designed to support the ongoing professional development of clinicians and health practitioners and is mapped against a range of relevant professional and service standards, as well as the Competency Standards Framework, Culturally Responsive Clinical Practice: Working with people from migrant and refugee backgrounds.

Continuing Professional Development: are you eligible?
The Migrant and Refugee Health Partnership is proud to offer this course as a part of Continuing Professional Development for clinicians and healthcare professionals.
Continuing Professional Development (CPD) is available for Members of:
– Royal Australian College of General Practitioners
– Australian College of Nursing
– The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Obstetricians and Gynaecologists
– Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine
– Australian Nursing & Midwifery Federation
Please select your College or Federation from the drop-down menu when you sign up for the course. You will receive a certificate of achievement with the relevant CPD Points and Accreditation documentation at the conclusion of the course.
Please note: for those completing the course through the RACGP, the GP feedback form will be made available in the event that a GP wishes to report any aspect of the activity to the RACGP.