Working with Interpreters for Judicial Officers

2 hrs

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Course Overview

This course is designed to give judicial officers a working understanding of the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals  (the Standards), and the best practice advice for working with interpreters.

Australia’s cultural and linguistic diversity requires that Australian courts and tribunals are responsive to the needs of court and tribunal users. It is a fundamental duty of any judicial officer to ensure that proceedings are conducted fairly. For proceedings to be conducted fairly, those involved in legal proceedings must be able to understand what is being said and be understood. To achieve this, it is not sufficient that the court or tribunal user be physically present: they must be linguistically present. As such, interpreters play an essential role in the administration of justice in our linguistically diverse society.

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This course will cover

  • Interpreters in legal settings

    Learn about the importance of interpreters and the Recommended National Standards for Working with Interpreters in Courts and Tribunals.

  • Best practice guidelines for judicial officers

    Discover the best practice standards for interpretation in courts and tribunals

  • Roles and responsibilities

    Identify the roles and responsibilities of interpreters working in courts and tribunals

  • Using the Model Rules

    Apply the Model Rules that guide courts, tribunals, legal practitioners and judicial officers in engaging and working with interpreters and translators

How to complete

  • Learn


    Read through each module, which provides information on how to work with interpreters in courts and tribunals.

  • Test your knowledge


    Gain knowledge on how to work with interpreters in courts and tribunals.

  • Achieve


    Apply the Recommended National Standards to your legal practice in context.

Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion

The Judicial Council on Diversity and Inclusion is an initiative of Chief Justice French and endorsed by the Council of Chief Justices of Australia (CCJ).

Its purpose is to develop a framework to support procedural fairness and equality of treatment for all court users – regardless of their race, colour, religion, national or ethnic origin, sexuality, gender identity, ability, or age – and to promote public trust and confidence in Australian courts and the judiciary.

The Council is composed of members drawn predominately from the judiciary, with select representation from legal and community bodies. Members are selected to balance gender and court level. The Chair of the Council is Chief Justice Helen Bowskill, Chief Justice of Queensland.

Council members are nominated by members of the Council of Chief Justices and appointed for two-year terms. The Council reports to the CCJ and provides policy advice and recommendations to the CCJ for approval.


National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters (NAATI) is the national standards and certifying authority for translators and interpreters in Australia. It is the only organisation to issue certification to practitioners who wish to work in this profession in Australia. NAATI is a not for profit company that is jointly owned by the Commonwealth, state and territory governments, and are governed by a Board of Directors, who are appointed by the owners.

NAATI’s mission is to set and maintain high national standards for the translating and interpreting sector to enable the existence of an adequate supply of appropriately certified translating and interpreting professionals, responsive to the changing needs and demography of Australia’s culturally and linguistically diverse society.

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